Be the Best Version of Yourself!
Being a 'student' in this post-modern, volatile age is NOT easy. Trust me! I've been there, done that!
So to make your life a little more productive, fulfilling and easy, let me share with you things that I've learnt from my experiences and wish someone told me those before, when I was a kid. Be the best version of yourself!
Here you'll find:- (Click on the link alongside ๐☺️)
-"Tips and Tricks" to make your learning in school super fun and easy:
-"Book Reviews" to keep you motivated and help you choose which one you would like to read in details: https://book-reviews-to-keep-you-motivated
-"Career Counseling" to help you choose your ideal career (Trust me, with all the expanding vistas in this field, you will need guidance and focus) :https://career-options-out-there
-"Stories of Real Life Heroes" and what we can learn from their lives: https://stories-of-real-life-heroes
*Click on the following link for motivational videos:
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This site is all about helping you kids study smart because for Gen Z, studying "hard" is not enough. If you feel there is any way I could improve my posts or if you have any random suggestion that might help make this more kid friendly, please don't hesitate to drop in a comment!
Be sure to check back for my response if you've asked me a question or requested a clarification through the comment section because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.